Friday, February 29, 2008

Kodi in the Tooele Transcript Bulletin Newspaper

So after the newscast on Channel 5, we've been getting a lot of people contacting us about Kodi. The local newspaper wanted to do a story on Kodi and the band. The paper just came out on Thursday and we felt they did a great job with the story.

You can click on this link to read the story online. We are so proud of Kodi and the band. They are doing really good together, and we probably have a couple performances set up that are coming soon. Keep checking back and I'll post the performances when they're booked.

1 comment:

David Lee said...

I wish I had known he was playing at the fair!! Please post any performances you will be giving. My son's physical disabilty prevents him from this type of expression, but he loves music so much. What a wonderful thing you have discovered and encouraged for him. Lisa Lee